Esperance Theatre Guild

AGM Nomination Form

If you are a current financial member of the Esperance Theatre Guild, you can nominate a member for one of the key positions on the committee. Just download and complete the AGM Nomination Form.

AGM Proxy Form

If you are a current financial member of the Esperance Theatre Guild and cannot attend the AGM, you can nominate a member to act as your proxy. Just download and complete the AGM Proxy Form.

Invitation to Sponsor a Chair

The Old Theatre Chairs recently underwent a huge renovation. Friends of the Bijou are invited to Sponsor a Chair with or without a name plate atached to a chair.

Simply download the form, complete and return with your donation.

Membership Form

When you become a member of the Esperance Theatre Guild you get the following benefits:

  1. Invitations to theatre workshops
  2. Costume hire
  3. Advanced notice of auditions and shows

Simply download the form and follow the instructions on the form.

News Bulletins

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